This is a chance to get away for multiple counseling sessions over the course of several days. Sessions would require video call capability.
Christian Airbnb owners have partnered with us to serve you and your marriage. Through Shepherd’s Friend, they provide the getaway, and we provide the counseling. You provide your own food. You will have plenty of free time after homework assignments are complete. You will be refreshed physically and spiritually.
Enjoy a brief season of isolation to reflect, to pray, and to apply God’s Word strategically to where it hurts.
Biblical Counseling for couples
Pastor’s wives have a friend too. These get-aways are designed for couples. One-on-one counseling is offered for both the pastor and his closest ministry partner, his wife. Jennifer Pierpont has been doing ministry in tandem with Nathan for over thirty years, and she shares Nathan’s heart for pastors and their families. Jennifer is a mother of seven, a ladies’ small group leader, an avid reader of scripture, and is well known for her resourcefulness.